Duopody reflexology is a non-invasive holistic complementary therapy. It is a touch therapy where the practitioner works on different points on the feet and lower legs. The hands, ears and face can also be worked in reflexology.
The main principle behind reflexology is that the systems of the body are mirrored in the feet, and these other areas, and that applying sensitive touch allows the body to correct imbalances.
Duopody is a newer development of reflexology that involves working both feet at the same time. It gives a 3 dimensional view of the body within the feet which are worked during a session.
Duopody reflexology is gentle, balancing and helps to promote deep relaxation within the body and a sense of wellbeing, helping to reduce stress for the individual.
Daily life and the difficulties we face in many areas can affect our mood, meaning we don’t fully live in the moment and can find it hard to enjoy all life has to offer.
Many current difficulties in our overall health and wellbeing can be attributed to, or made worse, by poor sleep, tension and a lack of proper rest and
self-care in our lives.
This is where reflexology can help to support you. Reflexology has a number of benefits, and these include:-
Please note: although reflexology is a wonderful holistic therapy, reflexologists do not diagnose, treat or cure illnesses or conditions.
Generally, during a client’s first Duopody reflexology session, all 13 of the body systems are worked and findings from the feet are recorded with visual and tactile clues observed and felt.
Based on these findings, and taking into account the individual’s physical and emotional circumstances/difficulties ascertained during the initial consultation, a bespoke session plan is created for the next session.
As a level 5 reflexologist, I have an in-depth knowledge of anatomy and physiology. This allows me to apply my client’s situation to my understanding of the body and use this deeper perspective to create a tailored session plan.
This enhances wellbeing, reduces tension and provides a deeply relaxing and holistic experience.
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